What is Entoptic Phenomenon:
This test is used to check the retinal blood circulation, its health and the function of the macula.
Haidinger’s Brush Test
Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon
Purkinjee Entoptic Test
1. Haidinger’s Brush Test:
- This test is especially useful in patients with suspected early macular disease.
- A polarized source of light is used in this test.
🔹Patient is seated about 30 cm away from the polarized light source.
🔹Ask the patient to look directly at the polarized light.
🔹Explain the patient that he will see a faint pattern of propeller or hourglass shape when he focus into the polarized light.
🔹This phenomenon occurs because the macula selectively absorbs polarized light.
Interpretation: 📜
↪ The patient will see the Haidinger’s brush pattern clearly if he has healthy macula.
↪ If patient sees the distorted pattern this will indicate the macular dysfunction.
2.Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon:
🔸This test is helpful to assess the blood circulation in the retina.
🔸This test is not directly focused on the macula.
🔹A blue source of light (blue screen or card) is used inthis test with wavelength of430nm.
🔹Ask the patient to look at that blue field.
🔹Ask the patient if he observe any bright, tiny and moving white spots against the blue background.
🔹These tiny spots are the white blood cells circulating in the retinal capillaries.
🔹The movement of the tiny spots should be in aa wavy, random pattern, following the capillary paths.
↪Patient with normal retinal blood flowwill see the movement.
↪If patient face difficulty inseeing these spots or seeing them inconsistently will indicate the abnormal retinal circulation, but further tests are required toconfirm retinal vascular problems.
3.Purkinjee Entoptic Test:
🔸It’s useful to check central scotomas or abnormalities in blood vessel structure.
🔸This test is usually not performed in routine practice but it is still a usefultest.
🔹Patient is seated in dim-lit area.
🔹A bright shource of light usually pen torch is used in this test
🔹Rub the light against closed eyelids with the patient looking in opposite direct.
🔹A good observer will able to see the shadows of posterior pole vessels or may be he can see the avascular foveal zone.
↪A healthy retina will produce “tree-branch” pattern due tothe shadow of the retinal vasculature.
↪If the pattern looks distorted ornot very clear, it may indicate the retinal or macular pathology.
Final Thought:
These tests are very useful for the screening of macular function however these test should be carried out with other functional tests for the diagnosis purpose.
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